Hmmm....maybe we could salvage the carpet to save some money in the budget??? (I am definitely joking. Although, if we were really smart, we would just live on the cement floors underneath until Aulora is potty trained!)

Some classy garage doors, wouldn't you say?
And look - it has a pet door built right in! How handy!

The bookcases are gone! We debated for a time about whether or not to remove them, but they were just too outdated. Even paint wouldn't have helped enough. Besides, now we can dress up the fireplace like we want to. Oh, the paneling that was above the fireplace is out of there too.

Here's the beginning stage of the fireplace tile being taken off.
By the day's end they were all off but my camera was no longer there.

This is the area in the front of the house. It's kind of weird and so far, we have no big visions for it yet. The gravel has to go for sure, but what in its place? And then what? Nice patio furniture? Some really cool landscaping stuff? Somebody help a girl!

This picture is again of that weird front area. That light is soooo gone. A big beautiful pot with flowers and vines will sit in its place, I think. The left window belongs to the front room (the one that currently has a desk and a closet on either side). The right window is the current dining room. We're actually making that a fourth bedroom though.

The previous owners put up this awful rock border. We quickly realized each of those rocks are
cemented into the ground. Won't that be fun getting the up?
Alright, enough for now. Off to look at sink bowls.....