Monday, November 17, 2008

Master Bathroom

The master bathroom is coming along - finally. They worked a lot more after these pictures were taken but this what I have for now.

Has anyone else noticed that blogger now inserts pictures in opposite order than it used to? Totally annoying because you have to think backwards!

Moving right along.....

This is the (ugly) view from the outside of the bathroom (remember there's a door in there that leads out to this patio area?). The window that was there just had to go and we're replacing it with a glass block window. The bricks that were there were apparently very loose and will now have to be set back in (at our expense I'm sure). I know it wasn't our contractor's fault because the bricks beside the new back door were the same way, according to the door installer.

I know all you can see when you look at this is a big mess, but I see candles and bubbles and a very relaxed La who is no longer remodeling a house.

Here's the shower. I have been very torn over those little square stones ever since they first put them in. They look blueish to me which, as John pointed out, is clearly because of the blue colored spacers. But still. I'm just not certain about them.

Go ahead and say it, Johnny. "I told you so." John wanted me to use "Noce" pencil tiles as a border around, but I was concerned about the lack of color interest since the Noce tiles were the same color as everything else. I thought the squares would be a nice break. The floor of the shower will be all of these tiny squares too. (I changed my mind from the picture I posted earlier of the floor tiles.)

Would you think I was crazy if I went in and ripped out the squares and replaced them with the Noce tiles? They're the same size so it probably wouldn't be hard. Crud. Why can't I ever make the right decision the first time???