Little by little, I'm beginning to see what it's all going to look like. I think we're finally getting to the fun (comparatively anyway) part. This past week was NOT fun. I spent my work time scraping floors (I still have the blisters and callouses on my hands to show for it) and John spent his work time crawling through the attic trying not to breathe in the insulation as he installed can lights and tried to figure out all the wiring. He's still not done with all of that, but he's at least a lot closer. We hope.
The biggest thing that's happened so far are the kitchen cabinets. They are SO beautiful! I'd love to show you a picture now, but I'm going to be mean and make you wait until the granite is installed and the sink and appliances are all in. They are so very, very lovely though. Sigh.
This picture is taken from the edge of the kitchen. That's the front door (which will soon be replaced) and that angled wall is for a picture and maybe a small entry way table. See the yellow cord hanging down? That's for an eyeball light to point at whatever is on the wall. This is one of my favorite things.

Here's some proof that I'm actually doing some work too, since so far I think I've only posted pictures of John working. We wouldn't want him to get all the credit, now would we? Notice the darker color on the ceiling - that's not due to a shadow or lighting. That's the original color we were going to go with in most of the house, walls and ceilings alike. I think I'll devote a future post to this topic alone, but suffice it to say that Walmart stinks at making paint and after a couple of time wasting trips, I headed over to Sherwin Williams to get some real paint. Some good paint. This is all still a sore subject so I won't delve into any further details at this time. The happy ending, however, is that we LOVE the color we ended up getting from Sherwin Williams. It's called "nomadic desert". Thanks to my fabulous sister Kara for meeting me at the store and helping me pick it out!

Here's Fernando's dad texturing the walls in the new room.

Somehow John David always ends up on the floor whenever we go to Home Depot or Lowe's. Silly boy. (That's Uncle Maka in the picture, not Daddy.)

I saved the most exciting picture for last. This one is of dirt. Yep, I said dirt. John is having to fill in all the low spots in the yard. I told you it was exciting.