Friday, October 3, 2008

Permits Schermits

City permits are such a pain to have to deal with! I understand the necessity, but they are wreaking havoc on our time line.

And here's a tip for you: electricians are not generally readily available to come whenever you need them. Be prepared to wait a couple of weeks. Therein lies the problem with our permit issues. Our main construction guy won't/can't finish sheetrocking and completing his work until John's wiring work is complete. And in order for it to be complete, we have to have a licensed electrician get a permit and check off all of his work.

If we actually lived in the house already, this would all be a different story. But we don't live there - yet - so everything has to be inspected and given the okay before we can move in. I told John that he should just haul a mattress over there and sleep there one night so he can say he lives there! He didn't think that was a good idea.

Here's what needs to happen:
  • electrician gets a permit and checks off John's work
  • Fernando sees the permit and feels good about closing up all the walls since they've been checked
  • Fernando's dad finishes fixing all walls and scraping the ceiling where we removed cabinets
  • I paint the kitchen (where the cabinets and back splash won't be) and the bathrooms
  • The paint dries
  • Cabinet installation begins on Wednesday and continues through until Saturday
None of these things can be out of order. So you can see why getting an electrician out there right away is kind of crucial to things moving along. I finally found one who could be there at 8:00 Monday morning.

Have I mentioned that we aim to be done with the house (at least with all things inside) by the end of the month. Yep, we're crazy. That's what everyone tells us anyway. I guess we'll see.....