Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Rain rain and more rain

I don't have any pictures right now so you'll just have to take my word for it - the Piece is the biggest stinkin' mud pit ever right now. Ughhh. John and Jake were nearly finished with the sprinkler system when all of this rain started. Jake continued to work for a a day or so but it's just not possible at this point. There's mud everywhere outside that house. I almost fell flat on my back when I was walking down the sidewalk this morning and my shoes starting sliding. Wow. What a mess that would have been.

All the rain also means most of the inside work has really slowed down. Construction guys must melt in the rain because they do not want to work in bad weather, let me tell you. At this point, with all the mud everywhere, I'm almost ok with that. I really don't want all the muddy mess coming inside too. The only problem is that this rain is not stopping anytime soon! Hopfully, I'll make it over to the tile store to pick up our bathroom tile today so that at least they can get the master bathroom going. All of the shower and tub tiles have been removed already.

I braved the weather with the two babies this morning to go to Lowe's for a comparison quote on our kitchen cabinets. The place we're getting them cost less than half of Lowe's price for the same thing! So the trouble of going with a small, non-high tech place is definitely going to be worth it. I've got to call them now........