I went over today and worked while the babies were napping. I wish I could have stayed longer, but at least I got to go for a while. Jake was there too so we spent most of the time hauling out big stuff to the dumpster that he couldn't do by himself. I was feeling like quite a "she-man" doing all that big lifting. The worst part was being terrified that you were going to get stabbed by a nail when picking something up. My leg got it a couple of times and then my chest. I lived. (Obviously.)

The dumpster is filling up. See my fancy little ramp I made when I needed to dump the big trash can in there? It was sooo heavy! You should have seen me trying to turn the stupid thing over to dump the contents out. I'm sure any neighbors who happened to be watching were quite amused as I twisted this way and that and heaved and hoed and jumped and pushed, trying to get that trash can emptied.

I cleared out the living room. It's so much easier to imagine exactly what I want to do now!

We hauled out the blue counter.

Jake took down the mirror and it fell over. Oops! That should be fun to clean up.