Monday, September 1, 2008

Tomorrow's the Day

We close tomorrow! Yea!!! The work will finally get to really get going. We're so excited!

Today John found a great deal on a whirlpool tub for the master bathroom. It was normally $700 and we got it for $400. I think Home Depot had some other good deals too, but we had to get home because Aulora has learned a new trick and Sandy needed help! Maybe we'll go back tomorrow.

We also finalized our choices on the cabinet, granite, and tile. It's ridiculous to make a granite choice based on little 2x2 sample squares, let me tell you. But we did it. We kept second guessing ourselves over an over and finally I looked at John and told him, "Enough! This looks great! We have good taste, we do know what we're doing. We can do this." It gets a little intimidating at this early stage when there's soooo much to be selected and you know everything kind of depends on everything else. If we choose poorly in one area, it's going to be a big domino effect and the next thing we know the whole house will look like poop. I think we felt better after my self-prescribed confidence talk. And I know we'll be able to choose things better and faster once we've got some headway going on. Surely.

Let me know if anyone needs to let out some aggression in the next couple of days. We'll be sure to save you some wacks on the walls!