Sunday, September 21, 2008

September 21

Today I worked on the piece while the babies were napping. My arms ache from scraping all of the kitchen floor.


Ok, I got that out of my system. I fee better now.

Anyway, I scraped the floor, went to the hardware store to get a few things, dug up the ugly border along the front sidewalk (with some help from Jake who is apparently a much better border-digger-upper!), swept, and started scraping the bathroom floor, but the linoleum in there was so stuck that it broke my scraper! It was around that time that I screamed out in frustration that I hated linoleum. I wonder if the neighbors heard? =) hahaha

When we got back from the store, I walked in the house and started shrieking because there was a big black bird flapping around in there! It kept ramming into the windows and just couldn't find its way out. Jake finally managed to shoo him out the back door. Too funny. I only wish I could have videoed it!

Oh, we also hauled the dishwasher out by the curb. I really hope it's gone in the morning. Surely somebody wants an old, ugly dishwasher that probably, maybe works. Surely......